The acacia tree symbolizes strength and beauty. Known for its unique canopy and hardiness, acacia thrives in harsh conditions. Our sustainable and eco-friendly toys embody this essence, fostering children's connection with nature and promoting environmental stewardship through imaginative play and learning.
Bumbu Toys Large Wooden Acacia Tree
- SKU~18998CATEGORIESTreesWEIGHT0.87 kgBRANDIBumbuToysFUNCTIONSCreativity, Emotional Development, Educational, Interactive, Montessori, Waldorf, Learning through PlayACCOMPLISHEDMade by handSTORY/CHARACTERThe natureSKILLS DEVELOPEDSocial Skills, Imagination, Intelligence, Sense of Touch, Stimulates memorySIZE30cm x 29.5xm x 9cmAGE+3 years
The product is made of solid wood, minimalist processed to keep as much of its natural texture and properties as possible. Unlike plastic, wood is an uneven natural material that frequently has growth rings or knots, color spots or rough areas. They represent distinctive signs that guarantee the natural origin of the product and give uniqueness to each toy, telling the story of the tree from which it was made.